Authors Note-I wrote this on what was real in "Life of Pi" and what was just Pi's imagination. I knew what I wanted to say but it was hard putting it into words.
In the book Life of Pi, what was symbolism and what was real? Throughout the book, Pi is on the boat with Richard Parker, fighting to survive. But was Richard Parker really there? This story about survival makes you wonder what really happened and which story was true. Through all the symbolism and Pi’s long journey, you realize that maybe Pi wasn’t fighting against Richard Parker; maybe he was fighting against himself.
During the whole book, Pi tells the story through animals. But when no one believes him, he tells the same story, but with people. So which story was true? Surprisingly, the story including the people was true. For most readers, they would have preferred the animal version compared to the gory human version. As humans, we don’t want to hear about people killing each other and cannibalism, but when animals do it, it is perfectly fine.
This book is filled with symbolism. In fact, if you look deep enough you can see that the Tiger and blind man are just symbols of Pi’s conscience. The tiger represents Pi’s most animalistic instincts. In the beginning Pi is afraid of that side of his conscience, of dying, until he overtakes it and soon the Tiger represents survival. In the book it says “It was Richard Parker who calmed me down” and “he pushed me to go on living”. This means that he urged him to survive and to never give up.
Not only was the tiger a symbol but the blind man was too. He said the blind man was “to [Pi’s] right, to [his] left, close by, and far away.”This symbolizes that his conscience was all around him. The blind man was the part of Pi that wanted to give up. Pi said the blind man “Landed upon [him] heavily,[they] fell half onto the tarpaulin, half onto the middle bench. He reached for [Pi’s] throat”. The blind man was trying to kill Pi which symbolized his bad conscience was taking over and Pi was giving up. When Richard Parker came in and killed the blind man it represented the two consciences fighting. Richard Parker finally won showing Pi to stay strong.
In the end, the animals were just symbols for people. They showed what Pi wished had happened. The blind man and Richard Parker were symbols for Pi’s conscience and after reading the book you saw that the symbolism represented Pi fighting against himself. Survival was a big part of the book but if you look deep enough you can see that everything was just a symbol for something else.