Monday, October 18, 2010


Patriotism. What does the word mean to you? To me patriotism means to love and be loyal to your country. It's serving your nation in the military and rooting for your team in international sports. It’s voting in the polls and donating if there is a natural disaster. I think patriotism is people uniting and coming together to accomplish a goal.
Patriotism matters a lot to me. Some people are true patriots while some are not. Having patriotism shows that you care and will fight to protect everything in your country because your country makes you, you. Someone that isn't a patriot will give up and watch their country fall. Everyone in our country expects us to be patriotic and help each other out. Patriotism makes countries stronger because it unties people.
While most people are patriots a few aren't. Imagine if our country had no patriotism. No one would be helping each other out and no one would care about our country. It's like playing a sport. If everyone on the team is an individual and they don’t want to pass or work together it would be like they had no patriotism for their team.
Being patriotic isn't a huge job. The simplest thing you can do is just cast a vote. We are lucky enough to even be able to vote so why give up the chance. The second easiest thing to do is volunteer. By volunteering you make yourself feel good and you are helping make your country a better place. Just remember that people have fought to make this country a better place so by not being patriotic you are letting down your nation.
So, in the end I believe that being a patriot is a huge deal. It’s like giving back to your country. Patriotism helps your country because it unites the people into one. Voting is one simple thing you can do if you are a patriot. To me patriotism is showing your love for your country.

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