Me and my family have so many memories at my grandparents cabin. Whether it's fishing on the dock, or going to the fourth of July parade.
When I was little my Grandparents had a cabin. We would go there every Fourth of July and other times in the summer. My whole family would come up including my cousins, aunts and grandparents. On the fourth of July we would go to the parade and get bags and bags of candy. When we got home we would trade the candy until we got hungry. Then we would eat corn on the cob, juicy watermelon, and hamburgers. When night came we would sit outside and watch the firework show my aunt and uncle would put on. We had so many fun times up at the cabin but as the years past our family got bigger and we became busier. The cabin soon became too small. My grandparents purchased a new one but things weren't the same. We still go up to the cabin but we usually only go up with just my grandparents.
I really liked the way you described your grandparents new cabin as it being not the same anymoe. And I loved the decriptive words, like "juicy watermelon". The fireworks picture was also a very nice touch.