Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you proud of America??

America is a country of promise. It is a country of dreams, freedom, equality, and support.  To me America is a country that is easy to be proud of.  Not only does a government “for the people and by the people” keep our country fair and equal but it gives us rights and lets us pick who controls our country. America gives us lots of rights and freedom to speak and believe what we want. Even though our country is quite young it helps every other country with war, money, and natural disasters. Because I live in America I can go to school, hang out with friends, and be a kid in a safe environment. Even though I’m proud of my country, it doesn’t mean I’m proud of all the people in it or all the decisions it makes. There definitely should be some people that should be in jail that aren’t. Even though there are those occasional criminals our country is definitely safer than every other country.  I don’t agree with all the decisions our president, leaders, and government have made but you got to remember they are human and everyone makes mistakes. Sure our country has some cons, but what country doesn’t? Our country lets kids live their dreams and live safely.  I am definitely proud of the USA.

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